Chuck Zumbrun

Tales from Skunk Hill

  • The New Table

    5 years ago we cut down some trees for boards for fencing, to make a bed for a hay wagon, and so on. We just cut down “junk” trees, trees that for one reason or another would never make a log that we could sell to a timber buyer. One of those trees was…

  • Turtle Days 2019

    I ran the Turtle Days 5K this weekend. When I was getting ready I went upstairs to sift through my collection of race t-shirts for something to wear for the race. Shuffling through memories of long-forgotten races I found my t-shirt from Turtle Days, 2000. What could be more perfect to wear in 2019?…

  • Not Yet

    I did the 15 mile run today that my marathon training plan called for. The last two miles were a death march, I kept running but if a kind stranger had stopped and asked if I needed a ride I would have taken that offer in a second, I got done and thought, “That’s…

  • Modern Medicine

    After a week of being trapped in the maw of modern medicine all I know is that it doesn’t have to be this way. The people working in the system are wonderful people and they’re doing their best. But the model, the paradigm, the whatever is so broken, they’re not helping. I just don’t…

  • Feeling Good Again

    I’ve set myself the goal of running the Fort4Fitness marathon on September 28th, 2019. I last (and first) ran a marathon in 1997, the year I turned 40. I’ll be 62 years old by September 28th. I’ve been following Jeff Galloway’s program [1]. It’s based on running 3 days a week, long slow runs,…

  • Wasted Again

    Talk not of wasted affection, affection never was wasted;If it enrich not the heart of another, its waters, returningBack to their springs, like the rain, shall fill them full of refreshment;That which the fountain sends forth returns again to the fountain. Evangeline – Henry Wadsworth Longfellow My mom has vascular dementia, she often doesn’t know what day it is and can’t complete thoughts or sentences. But her intellect remains formidable. We were talking the other day and she asked, apropos of nothing, “What do you know…

  • Sounds Like Home

    I’d planned to make broccoli beef tonight which we usually make with flank steak or something like that. But when I went to the freezer last night we were out of flank steak or sirloin or anything really appropriate. So I grabbed a chuck roast [1] and slapped it in the refrigerator and decided…

  • Just Me, Just Running

    I love to run. 9 miles this morning on one of my favorite routes down Chapine Road. I’m training for a marathon this fall. I don’t know that I’ll get there, that these old feet, knees, and hips will stand up to the pounding. But I just love to run. To go out this…