Chuck Zumbrun

Tales from Skunk Hill

  • Artificial (non) Intelligence

    I was at Wal*Mart in Columbia City today with my mom, and we picked up a box of Zeiss Wipes, looked at them, realized that wasn’t what we were looking for, and put them back. And when I got home and opened up Facebook this ad was in my feed. I don’t know what…

  • Ain’t Gonna Study War No More

    This ad has been running on TV this fall. The Army as a POV video game. Those aren’t human beings on the other side of your point of view, they’re “challenges.” We’re not “fighting for honor”, we’re not “fighting for country”. We are fighting to win battles as pointless as a video game and…

  • Just Another Day

    I was commuting into work today, 33 to 30 to I-69 to 14. About 6am as usual on I-69 between 30 and 14. I’m cruising along in the right lane, driving the speed limit, listening to them play the Star Spangled Banner on 101.7 FM. There was a semi in the center lane beside…

  • A Year

    I was telling [1] Debbie that I just didn’t feel like I was making any progress running, I just couldn’t add miles and was stuck. She said, “But think about where you started.” I always do what Debbie tells me, so I went back pulled up my workouts from a year ago and from…

  • Feeling Proud

    I use a service provided by Atlassian to manage the source code for my company. The details don’t matter, it’s a dry as dirt, impossible to comprehend [1] Linux interface. Today when I uploaded some code into the system, I got this response [2]. It blasted past on my screen and I thought, “what…

  • Garlic Many Ways

    Last year my brother’s friend, Brian Bianski [1], gave me some garlic shoots. I didn’t have the first idea what to do with them, so I brought them home and stuck them in the ground. Nothing happened, and the grass and weeds took over and then Debbie burned it all down with Roundup thinking…

  • I want to ride it where I like

    I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride my bike I want to ride my bicycle I want to ride it where I like – Freddie Mercury Went for a bike ride today. I went past Goose Lake and Old Lake, skirted Etna [1] wandered north until I hit Merry Lea and…

  • Turtle Days 2018

    Turtle Days 2017 was a milestone for me. I was 7 months into working on losing weight and getting healthy and the 2017 Turtle Days 5K was a goal I had set for myself. Fast forward to 2018 and I’m toeing the line again at the Turtle Days 5K. The weight and health work…