Chuck Zumbrun

Tales from Skunk Hill

Yet Another Raspberry Post

Two black raspberry posts in a row? Yes, indeed, I love my black raspberries [1].

The black raspberries just keep coming, like the rain this year. Normally the black raspberries are burning up by this time of year. But this year the rain won’t stop.

I picked another 8 cups in in my backyard in just 20 minutes. I made jam, raspberry syrup, and raspberry vinegar.

Black Raspberry Jam

The raspberry syrup was simple, mash up 3 1/2 cups of raspberries with 1 cup of sugar and 1/2 cup of water. Bring that to a boil and cook at a simmer for 5-6 minutes. Press it through a fine sieve and you’ve got raspberry syrup. I squeezed half a lemon into it because I thought it was a bit sweet.

Take what’s left in the sieve and put it in jar and pour 2 cups of white vinegar over it. Let it sit a couple of weeks and you have raspberry vinegar for salad dressings.

1.The day I was born, Mom said she’d been out pruning the black raspberry bushes and wondered why her back was paining her so. Born of raspberries.

One response to “Yet Another Raspberry Post”

  1. […] wild black raspberries produced like crazy this summer. I made black raspberry pie and black raspberry jam and black raspberry syrup and then I took all the black raspberry pulp left over from that and made […]

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