Chuck Zumbrun

Tales from Skunk Hill

About is the web site of me, Chuck Zumbrun, a farmer, software developer, and foodie.

I live in rural Whitley County Indiana with Debbie Zumbrun, my best friend, boon companion, soul mate, and wife. 

They will hammer their swords into plowshares,
and their spears into pruning hooks;
Nation will not lift up sword against nation,
and never again will they learn war.

Isaiah 2:3-4

6 responses to “About”

  1. David Hart Avatar

    Hi Chuck, you made it onto I see you’re enjoying retirement, me too. Send me a personal email and I’ll send you some stuff about what we did last summer.

  2. Bruce Lewis Avatar
    Bruce Lewis

    Was good to speak with you today. Am enjoying your blog. Guess you did pay attention when we took journalism together.

  3. Judy Cameron Avatar
    Judy Cameron

    Happy Anniversary and thanks for the NPR!

  4. Randy Hisner Avatar
    Randy Hisner

    Mr. Zumbrun,

    Thank you so much for your contributions to the JG editorial page! Your piece today was especially touching and eloquent. I’m a semiretired public school teacher (still coaching and subbing), as is my wife (also still active in our local school) and we both agree with everything you have written and admire your willingness to speak out and educate the public. It’s crucial to do that if we are to see more tolerance, understanding, and peace. As the linguist John McWhorter said (in a slightly different context), “This is a long-game business. Views change slowly, incrementally, and writing is part of making it happen.” Here’s hoping that your words find a wide audience and continue to spur some of that incremental change in the right direction. (Btw, we also loved your piece months ago on the folly of eliminating the state income tax.)

    Randy Hisner

    1. Chuck Avatar

      Thanks Randy! I sent you a reply via email. Hope you got it.

  5. Curtis Bullock Avatar
    Curtis Bullock

    Mr. Zumbrun,

    It is a pleasure to see such incredible research on your site – I would love to find out if we are related somehow! My grandfather was Morris Gordon Zumbrun of southern PA, but I know we had family in the Midwest as well.

    All of my family members are teachers – it’s amazing to hear that more Zumbruns share the profession.

    Dr. Curtis Bullock

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